Thursday, October 31, 2019

Summary and analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Summary and analysis - Essay Example These are such as fertility and poverty. Other aspects that come in are such as the internal determining factors as well as the external determining factors and the consequences that come out of instability in the population as well as the achievements that are born out of it. All in all, the article‘s sole focus is the instance of population and its effect on economic growth. The article is relevant to economic growth because without a doubt population is one of the most determining factors in the element of economic growth. The fact that the article has gone as far as to project the figures that could be existing as of 2050, lays out a clear cut picture of the effect that population will have had on the economy should the trend maintain its current ground. The article is in fact correct if the statistical methods of evaluation are anything to go by and should be used by statistical and economic analysts to understand and plan for the situation that is being projected. It should also be noted that as demonstrated in the article ignorance and illiteracy could be the root cause of economic crippling. All things said this article assumed the correct approach in its analysis of this economic

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Kari Charboneau Competency Statement Essay Example for Free

Kari Charboneau Competency Statement Essay To establish positive and productive relationships with families To establish positive and productive relationships with families I try to make sure I keep an open, honest relationship with them. I feel its important to have my parents feel that they can trust me. I also feel its important they know I have the best interest of their child in mind. Parents need to feel that they are being listened to and that we care enough to work with them in regards to their child’s wellbeing. †¦ CG 4.1 Keeping Families Informed In my center it’s a priority to make sure we are keeping all families informed of all the things that we as a center do as well as their individual child’s daily activities. I would have a welcome packet that includes contact information as well as center information. This would include information such as teacher profiles, center policies etc. I will make it a point to get to know each parent and to establish an open dialect. I would have information as to how they can contact me to discuss any concerns they may have as well as just general information we just share on a daily basis. We would have a monthly newsletter and calendar with center activities on it as well as weekly information in the entry way to remind them of any upcoming events we may have. There will also be daily communication sheets provided for each child describing what their child did throughout the day. Parents will know that they are welcome to stop in or call a t any time to check on their child’s day. CG 4.2 Teaching Practices I believe that by having open conversations with my families they start to trust and with that we have conversations about not only their child but also our own lives outside of the center. Knowing that maybe one parent might be out of town is good information to have. This helps us understand why a child may be having a change in behavior. I will make sure I know the children in my care well enough to notice changes and having a good parent relationship’s will allow me to communicate with them and find out if they notice the changes as well and to see if they have ideas as to why. If it’s not a typical reason we would expect to see a change in behavior from we can then work together to see if we can’t figure  it out and come up with a plan that will help meet that child’s individual needs. There will be a communication sheet written out daily that will highlight their child’s day and at pick up we can then discuss why their child may have had a more difficult day or even the opposite that their child was really happy. We may find out that they have family visiting that the child loves to be around or that Daddy has been out of town for a few days. These are both good reasons to see a change in a child’s normal behavior. Communication is very important in keeping good relationships going.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Role Of Women In The Church Religion Essay

The Role Of Women In The Church Religion Essay Ever since the beginning of the feminist movement the roles that women have or have not played whether in or out of church and no matter what culture or civilization they have come from has definitely come under some major debates. One area for disagreement is the roles women have in the Church. With there being some churches that are not so ridged with their traditions and practices; they have begun placing women in leadership positions like pastor or teacher. However; there are still churches that are steadfast to the Bible and not so ready to embrace such changes. Much of the confusion comes from how women are seen in the scriptures so because of this we will use the Bible to help us better comprehend the roles women had in the church during the first century so we can try to apply that to the meanings in the twentieth and the twenty-first century. Many people would debate the Bibles importance to modern-day understanding until the cows come home but the biggest debate is about them in roles of worship. Had the Bible not been written under guidance of holy inspiration then it could be seen for what it is and not simply be bound by the teachings, which in turn could consequently allow one to pick or choose whatever agrees to their point of view. However, since the Bible is all about holy inspiration for which it comes from, then there should be a careful respect to what the passages signifies about any given issue which currently is at hand. Beliefs and behaviors that have come up after the Bible was written must as a consequence be carefully examined and by doing so the practices may or may not demonstrate competence after comparison with scripture. Before we discuss exact questions regarding women in worship, we should study the ideologies resulting from the relationship of Adam and Eve which is described in Genesis 1. We see the Apostle Paul often uses this passage as a guideline when conversing about women and womens issues. Genesis 1:27 says: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Most interpret this as man and woman are both by the same token in the image of God; however in this instance the word man is to reference more the meaning of humanity. In Genesis we are shown that Adam and Eve were given common power over creation; however the sheer fact that Adam was created in advance of Eve has major impacts to Paul and all the scholars in the Old Testament. For these scholars it proposes that there very definite role differences between the two sexes. They saw the role of the man as leadership whereas they see the role of woman as more of a source of strength a nd support to man. As we review the letter to the Ephesians from Paul in Ephesians 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. We can see this as an important analogy because if one wants to understand the Christian dominance of a man over his wife, we must think about how Christ proved his leadership over the Church. In general, he gave his life the church and not by using force or coaxing for her submission. Now when we contemplate mens and womans ministry in the church, we find it is important that we keep in mind these role differences. We must also take a look at the notion of open ministry where women can worship and teaching in the Church. There are two major passages which give definitive orders about women during worship and they are in the letters of the Apostle Paul. Many find that these two passages are quite frequently used when one wants to deny women public roles in the church. The first is in I Corinthians 14:33 35, which shows the passage imposing silence on women during worship service. Likewise and with more details, I Timothy 2:8 15 also contains the command to be silent, it also shows about power and control as well as references to the reason for Adam and Eves fall from grace which helped in the understanding and continued denial for equally in sexes in the church. In my viewpoint I believe that 1 Timothy 2:8-15 gives the best understanding just how things were viewed which is why I chose to use the entire: I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing. I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God. A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. But women will be kept safe through childbirth, if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety. I believe this shows the separation of the sexes and describes their place in worship and who has authority/control/power -however you want to say it over whom. Now as with woman being raised in the U.S. today reads the letter for the first time they may be quite offend by the obvious narrow-mindedness. However, there are some accurate historical and cultural references that need to be considered when looking for the meaning and intent of the passage. First the letter was written by one man to another man who was Paul to Timothy. We are led to believe that he was preaching in the city of Ephesus when Paul tells him he must stay in Ephesus so as to correct false teachers who were making a disturbance in the church. We see how many different observers have tried to recreate the deviations of these false teachers however this can prove to be a difficult since there are no exact records of what was said, so we must make reference from the text itself to give us a clue. One plausible heretical doctrine was the one of self-denial as a way to reach holiness. The practice of austerity that is being indorsed comprised of; self-restraint from certain foods, from marriage, and sex which is added to all of the physical training as another way to reach holiness. It was believed that by doing these practices, one could attain something similar to heaven on earth. Simply put, there was perhaps a denial of any future rebirths to be taught instead of the more spiritual one that we are lead to believe is reached in afterlife. We can also infer from Pauls comments that numerous women in the church would rehabilitated the meaning which was persuading them to abandon their traditional roles in favor of more open ways of life which were more in line with their the new-found holiness or spirituality. With this said it explains Pauls strong words which make reference to Eve about how she misled into sin whereas the idea of bearing and raising children was most certainly spiritual thing unlike they were being led to believe. Nevertheless, there are other parts of the passage which warn women not to teach or have control/power over a man that have been agreed upon by so many they have everlasting claim; their words and grammar, in Greek, do not seem to lend themselves to any other cultural reference. The teaching that Paul was truly worried about was so must more about real faith while the control/power which is in question seems to speak more about the roles of leadership for women in the church. But then again, before anyone can make any conclusions on a Biblical truth it must first hold true throughout the scriptures. May be we should look at other passages; Galatians 3:28: There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Some believe that this teaching could have had some bearing in the false teachings of Ephesus and Corinthians in regards to women. We are shown that even Christ revealed to us that in the spirit world no one would not be pre arranged but would be like the angels. As a result, the women who were being misled by teachers seem to abandon their traditional roles. On the other hand, the current reader may wonder what one meant when they wrote the line about both sexes being one in Christ Jesus. Some would see it as meaning that no one sex is inferior to the other. Once past the Old Testament, there are strong instances, like in the book of Acts, which shed some light in the form of documented practice, on the order not to have control/power over men. Here we have prophetesses like in Acts 21: 8-9, where Philip, who was one of the seven deacons, has four daughters who predicted. Prophesying was not just the predictions of the future but also the passing on of Gods Word to the people, i. e. teaching. Likewise, in 1 Corinthians 11:4-5 we have Paul conveying, Every woman who prays or prophesies. Obviously women in Corinthians were worshipping because everyone did that so they could be closer to God. We also see in Acts 18 where Precilla and Aquila worship and teach. As you read this, you could interpret this being significance because Precilla, who is the women, seems to be mentioned first due to the fact she has great knowledge. You are shown their teaching together and their successes which are confirmed in Acts 18:26 the ways of the Lord more a dequately. We also see this in the story about Lydia, business women who lived in Philippi and receive the message that Paul gives during worship which seems to be the incident which starts the strong church movement in Philippi. This occurrence only infers from the passage that she played an important part of that strong church, since no men were mentioned of converting. These passages in some way give inquiry to the real nature of the halt on teaching and the meaning of no control/power mentioned in 1st Timothy. It is obvious that women were teaching men and at times they were even co-teaching with male teachers. The case in point about the prophetesss while compelling is not recognized as being a modern gift, however teaching certainly is and is a prophets function. Those that interpret the Bible also discuss womens ministry in the New Testament which has brought to light the traditions of the day regarding women. We see that Pauls main concern was spreading the Gospel and making the message made attractive in every way. Thats why we see Paul encouraging women just how important it is in maintain customs like veil wearing because if not they will be seen as loose or immoral and disgrace the Gospel message. Think about what the women in the US who are not of the faith are thinking when they see for the first time that only men run the services. It could come across as women being suppressed by men and that the gospel message is suggesting women are inferior to men. In a nutshell, the thought that there is no authorization in the scripture coming right out and saying that it is forbidden for women to have leadership roles, or their own ministry or even teaching the word of God but can be left up to interpretation make me believe that if women are not allowed to have some kind of input in to the church or their teachings then it seems that a valuable resource is going to waste for the church and its future followers. If we simply look at it from the perspective of a husband not thinking that his wifes thoughts and ideas are worth listening to than the family can surely seem inadequate, dysfunctional or even destined to failure. For that reason, the church tries to realize Gods purpose for women by remembering the truths of the scripture and relating them to our present day culture. By doing this we are allowing men and women to convey the Christian message in its most powerful form. As stated by John Toews in article A doctrine or a truth has pow er only to the extent that it is modeled in a life style which is in harmony with it. Paul, and the rest of the New Testament, proclaims that male and female are reconciled and gifted in Christ, they are one and equal in Christ. It is now time for that truth to be modeled in the church if the church is to be the true eschatological people of God. We should look at the true meaning of the Bible and follow what is best for the continuing of the church and the life of the Gospels even if it means allowing men and women to be equal in the spreading the word of the Lord.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Consumer Equilibrium and the Law of Equi-Marginal Utility :: Business Economics

Consumer Equilibrium and the Law of Equi-Marginal Utility Introduction The Law of Equi-Marginal Utility is an extension to the law of diminishing marginal utility. The principle of equi-marginal utility explains the behavior of a consumer in distributing his limited income among various goods and services. This law states that how a consumer allocates his money income between various goods so as to obtain maximum satisfaction. Assumptions The principle of equi-marginal utility is based on the following assumptions: (a) The wants of a consumer remain unchanged. (b) He has a fixed income. (c) The prices of all goods are given and known to a consumer. (d) He is one of the many buyers in the sense that he is powerless to alter the market price. (e) He can spend his income in small amounts. (f) He acts rationally in the sense that he want maximum satisfaction (g) Utility is measured cardinally. This means that utility, or use of a good, can be expressed in terms of "units" or "utils". This utility is not only comparable but also quantifiable. Principle Suppose there are two goods 'x' and 'y' on which the consumer has to spend his given income. The consumer’s behavior is based on two factors: (a) Marginal Utilities of goods 'x' and 'y' (b) The prices of goods 'x' and 'y' The consumer is in equilibrium position when marginal utility of money expenditure on each good is the same. The Law of Equi-Marginal Utility states that the consumer will distribute his money income in such a way that the utility derived from the last rupee spent on each good is equal. The consumer will spend his money income in such a way that marginal utility of each good is proportional to its rupee. The consumer is in equilibrium in respect of the purchases of goods 'x' and 'y' when: MUx = MUy Where MU is Marginal Utility and P equals Price Px Py If MUx / Px and MUy / Py are not equal and MUx / Px is greater than MUy / Py, then the consumer will substitute good 'x' for good 'y'. As a result the marginal utility of good 'x' will fall. The consumer will continue substituting good 'x' for good 'y' till MUx/Px = MUy/Py where the consumer will be in equilibrium. Thus this is also known as the law of substitution. Table Let us illustrate the law of Equi-Marginal Utility with the help of a table: The side table shows marginal utilities of goods 'x' and 'y'.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Poem of William Caslos William Essay

William Carlos Williams is a pioneer who creates a whole new realm in American poetry. He is regarded as an important and influential poet because of his unique and usually plain style. The poem â€Å"Poem† is one of the most prominent poems reflecting Williams’ style of writing. In this piece of work, Williams discusses a central contrast between the mortality of life and immortality of art through the image of two roses – in nature and in poetry. It can be said that life is symbolized by the rose, the central image and also the main theme of â€Å"Poem†. The real rose and unreal one are skillfully used to represent two factors: the reality and the art. In nature, a rose which cannot avoid the cycle of time undergoes stages of nature rules. First, it germinates from a seed. Then, it grows up and blooms or blossoms. Next, it fades or discolored. Finally, it dies. â€Å"The rose fades – And is renewed again – By its seed naturally† (Williams, 1983). The issue of the rose fading show that life, no matter what forms, follows the nature changing rule and eventually fades away. Meanwhile, Williams uses the image of the rose in poem to respect the art because the real rose will fade naturally but the rose of art keeps an ever-lasting beauty: â€Å"Save in the poem – shall it go – to suffer no diminution – of its splendor† (Williams, 1983). Generally, the whole poem presents the central contrast of nature versus art, death versus life and cycle of time versus perfection that lasts forever. With respect to the highlighted image of the rose in poetry, it can not be touch but lives forever and remains perfect, fresh, young, and beautiful regardless of time. It has the empowerment of splendor, perfection, and immortality. In fact, Williams’ intention after his words of praising the power of the rose in poem is to advocate the power of art in general. It seems that the poet gives prominence to art whose role is to inspire and guide people through curves of life thanks to its beauty and significance of teaching truth, giving beauty and pleasure, shaping moral characters, showing power of language and showing human experience.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Shangri-La Hotels

What are the key elements of Shangri-La Hotel’s strategy? Which of the five generic competitive strategies described in Chapter 5 is the company employing? What is Shangri-La’s strategy for competing internationally? 2. What policies, practices, support systems, and management approaches underlie Shangri-La’s efforts to execute its strategy? 3. How important are the company’s training and Shangri-La Care program to its success? What is your assessment of Shangri-La’s compensation policies and career growth effort? What pluses and minuses do you see? . What are the key features of the culture at Shangri-La Hotels? How important is the culture in the company’s success? Explain. What impact do the company’s mission statement and the Shangri-La Care program have on the company’s culture? 5. What core/distinctive competencies has management at Shangri-La tried to build and nurture? What challenges does the company face as it attempts to transfer its core and distinctive competencies to other cultures? How has the company attempted to resolve these challenges? Has it been successful in doing so? 6.What does the company’s financial and operational performance reveal about how successful its strategy and strategy implementation efforts have been? Should shareholders be pleased with the company’s financial performance? Why or why not? What financial and operating performance pluses and minuses do you see? 7. What challenges does Shangri-La face in expanding into Eastern China? Do you believe the company’s current policies and operating procedures will be sufficient in addressing these challenges? If so, why? If not, what else may need to be done? 8. How do the challenges associated with Shangri-La’s expansion into Europe,Australia, and North America compare with the company’s expansion in China? Do you believe the company’s current policies and operating procedures will be sufficient in addressing these challenges? If so, why? If not, what else may need to be done? 9. How big a threat does the expansion of other hotel chains into China pose for Shangri-La Hotels? What specific challenges are likely to arise as a result of this expansion? How should Shangri-La address these challenges? 10. What recommendations would you make to Symon Bridle to improve Shangri-La’s prospects for continued success? Shangri-La Hotels Shangri-La Hotels Contents Background Executive Summary Problem Statement Current Strategy External Environment VRINE Model Internal Analysis TOWS Analysis Value Chain Analysis Key Success Factors Alternatives Recommendations Implementation Plan Prologue Appendices Background Hong Kong-based Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts is Asia Pacific's leading luxury hotel group and regarded as one of the world’s finest hotel ownership and management companies. The Shangri-La story began in 1971 with its first deluxe hotel in Singapore. Today, there are  71 hotels and resorts throughout Asia Pacific, North America, the Middle East, and Europe,  representing a room inventory of over 30,000. In addition, new hotels are under development in  Austria, Canada, mainland China, India, Macau, Philippines, Qatar, Turkey and United Kingdom. Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to provide a strategic analysis of Shangri-La Hotels and its rapidly expanding business of luxury hotels into Eastern China, Europe, North America, and Australia; while still holding on to Shangri-La’s signature standards of â€Å"Shangri-La Hospitality. My analysis supports the recommendation that Shangri-La hotels have the required resources, expertise and efficiencies to successfully expand into these markets even with the tight labor markets and vast cultural differences Problem Statement Shangri-La Hotels is attempting to expand its business into other countries; however, expanding into high-wage economies’ such as E urope and North America could tarnish their brand and lead to a reduced overall profit. Current Strategy External Analysis PESTEL Analysis Political – little impact in Canada, however foreign companies may restrict trade or impose tariffs, thus increasing costs. Free trade may help or hinder companies. Favorable taxation or subsidies in other countries may assist competitors. Economic – Collectivity stage and needing to delegate (marketing). Interest rates, currency fluctuations and unemployment are factors. Social and Cultural – Foreign interest in products could be a fad. Advantage is quality. Technological – improved production/packaging technology needed Environmental- could focus on recyclable, reusable packaging. Legal- Foreign sales may require changes or inter-provincial sales may result in abiding by various provincial regulations. | Test| Competitive Implication| Performance Implication| Valuable| Does the resource or capability allow the firm to meet a market demand or protect the firm from market uncertainties| The product itself doesn’t protect the firm from uncertainties. The marketing concept of a healthy product, charming PEI and authentic ‘goodness’ is the competitive edge. Protecting the branded image and promotion is important in sustaining the market position and increasing this position. | Rare| Assuming the resource or capability is valuable, is it scarce relative to demand? Or is it widely possessed by most competitors| The preserve product can be copied. Strawberry jam has the most demand and supply meets demand in N America. Unique product combining high fruit content and liquors. | Product is easily copied; therefore it is important to differentiate fro m the competition with use of specific formulas of ingredients to have a unique taste. Inimitable and non substitutable| Assuming a valuable and rare resource how difficult is it for competitors to either imitate the resource or capability or substitute for it with other resources and capabilities that accomplish similar benefits| Preserve resource is not rare. The culture of home made natural image in the PEI setting is the rarity and could be substituted but countered with its original/ authentic brand. | Product is easily copied, so value must be in packaging/image/marketing appeal. Exploitable| For each set of the preceding steps of the VRINE test, can the firm actually exploit the resources and capabilities that it owns or controls? | One resource that the company has access to is the fresh fruit within the region, therefore there is the potential that the Company could monopolize the fruit market in the area. | Product is easily produced with access to fruit in the area. | Int ernal Analysis Functional Analysis Production Marketing Human Resources Finance Value Chain Analysis TOWS Analysis | From External Analysis| Opportunities1. New national and international markets/customers2. Custom production to utilize spare capacity3. Japanese tourism and marketplace4. Potential to tailor products to consumers in each geographical region| Threats:1. Potential entrants/substitutions claiming PEI origin2. Tariffs on exports make the product a less competitive price3. Labor intensive and seasonal labor 4. Significant currency fluctuations can impede exporting| From InternalAnalysis| Strengths:1. Quality product attracting premium pricing2. PEI ethnicity and charm3. Favorable tax status in Cda4. Increased sales and international interest5. Fresh local produce not requiring freight and storage costs6. Quality staff with low turnover. | SO strategies (use strengths to take advantage of opportunities)Increasing sales across Canada will promote PEI, incur favourable tax status vs imported products and therefore increase/improve competivenessJapanese market can be tapped with Japanese tourism in Canada (Vancouver/Toronto) without incurring the prohibitive multi levels of taxes and levies. Expansion would not only include different geographical locations but includes the potential to utilize quality staff throughout the year, rather than only seasonallyPromote company culture| ST Strategies (use advantages of strengths to overcome threats)PEI authenticity and premium gourmet product with specific marketing highlights to overshadow competitors substitutions. Selling to tourists within Canada, with no GST/PST or tariffs makes the product more attractive Selling nationally reduces freight/shipping damages and more inventory control | | Weaknesses1. Marketing plan2. Restaurant business dilutes core business3. Seasonal business4. Underutilized capacity5. Management’s lack of experience in growth management| WO strategies (use opportunities to overcome weaknesses)Custom production, expansion of selling to new markets/customers and effective marketing plan can utilize the unused capacity and even out the seasonal nature of the business Outsource canning, packing – research alternatives with environmental/recycle benefits| WT strategies (use defensive strategies to minimize weaknesses and avoid threats) Targeted marketing plan and sales agent to identify the place and promotion of the 4P’s to expand sales and sales mix. Increased sales and production would require full time staff and reduce seasonality which would increase ability to retain quality staff. | Key Success Factors Alternatives 1. Pro Con 2. Pro Con 3. Pro Con Recommendation Implementation Plan Short-Term Long-Term Prologue According to the SHANGRI-LA ASIA financial reports for 2006 through 2009 the Asian division has had an increasing net income with the exception of 2008. Proving that Shangri-La has been a success in Asia, even with the expansion into the Chinese market. Appendices Bargaining Power of Suppliers Substitute Products Bargaining Power of Buyers Threats of new entrants Competitors-Airbus/Boeing CCCComCompetitAIRBUS/Boeing Airlines Leasing companies Governmental institutions FAA, IATA, EPA Other regulating bodies Advance in short haul turboprop technology Advances in automotives industry and infrastructures High speed train Advances in telecommunications: video conferences etc†¦ Engine manufacturer Electronic, Semiconductor etc†¦ Others manufacturers such as metal, composite materials Government institutions Capital sources investors and banks FAA, IATA, EPA Other regulating bodies Mitsubishi Others emerging power Others small aircraft manufacturers Military companies: Dassault, Lockheed, ATR Mission Statement We envision a community of responsible and educated citizens who are environmentally conscious, practice social responsibility in their daily lives and inspire others to do the same. We commit to operating in an economically, socially and environmentally responsible manner whilst balancing the interests of diverse stakeholders. We strive to be a leader in corporate citizenship and sustainable development, caring for our employees and customers, seeking to enrich the quality of life for the communities in which we do business, and serving as good stewards of society and the environment. Partnering for the Future With a solid foundation and reputation for excellence in Asia Pacific, the Middle East and North America, the company's strategic plan now incorporates the goal of expanding the Shangri-La brand globally by operating deluxe hotels in gateway cities and key resorts around the world under management agreements, equity participation or ownership. Given the commitment to becoming a top-end global hotel company, the development functions of Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts are directly led by the President and Chief Executive Officer. Shangri-La has always believed in the unique characteristics encapsulated by Asian Hospitality. Our commitment to providing guests with distinctive Asian standards of hospitality and service from caring people remains our major point of differentiation from our peers and the very cornerstone of our reputation as a world-class hotel group. â€Å"Pride without arrogance† is of particular importance as we want our people to be internally proud of our achievements but outwardly humble. After all, the hallmark of true success is that it does not need to be stated. In striving to delight customers each and every time they stay with us we aim to exceed expectations through consistently providing quality and value in our products and services. That’s why we look for trendsetters, professionals who are enthused by innovation and driven by achievement. Environment Our  daily operations ensure that we mitigate the impact of climate change, uphold biodiversity in conservation/habitat restoration, adopt the best practices in preventing ozone depletion, and continually strive to improve ater-use management, waste-disposal management and indoor air quality. Health & Safety We  are committed to protecting our customers, employees, stakeholders and the greater public by providing a safe and healthy environment based on international standards. Employees Our colleagues are our number-one asset, and our source of inspiration for the greater communities with which we work. We value our stakeholders and always engage them with clarity, honesty, and respect. We require that our business partners ensure the highest standards in environmental, hygiene and labour practices. We believe that caring for others today allows them to care for themselves and others tomorrow. ‘Embrace’ aims to build, strengthen and sustain local communities through various and specific education and health projects. Each of our resorts provides a natural habitat for flourishing biodiversity. The ‘sanctuary' is Shangri-La’s project for ensuring the highest standards in marine and terrestrial habitat restoration and environmental conservation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hysteron Proteron - Definition and Examples of the Figure of Speech

Hysteron Proteron s of the Figure of Speech A figure of speech in which the natural or conventional order of words, actions, or ideas is reversed. Hysteron proteron is generally regarded as a type of hyperbaton. The figure of hysteron proteron has also been called inverted order or putting the cart before the horse.  Eighteenth-century lexicographer Nathan Bailey defined the figure as a preposterous way of speaking, putting that first which should be last.  Hysteron proteron most often involves inverted syntax  and is used primarily for emphasis. However, the term has also been applied to inversions of narrative  events in nonlinear plots: that is, what happens earlier in time is presented later in the text.   Etymology From the Greek hysteros  and  proteros , latter first Examples and Observations He began to walk barefoot across the meadow, but the sharp dry grass hurt his feet. He sat down to put on his shoes and socks.(Iris Murdoch, Nuns and Soldiers, 1980)That time of year thou mayst in me beholdWhen yellow leaves, or none, or few do hang ...(William Shakespeare, Sonnet 73)Muammar Gaddafi Killed, Captured In Sirte(Headline in Huffington Post, Oct. 20, 2011)Im going to kill that magician. Ill dismember him and then Ill sue him.(Woody Allen, Oedipus Wrecks in New York Stories, 1989) Yoda-Speak One of the most common and effective forms of hyperbaton is  hysteron proteron  (roughly, last things first). Let’s take two examples from a master of the technique: Powerful you have become. The Dark Side I sense in you and Patience you must have, my young padawan. For Yoda in  Star Wars, hysteron proteron is a linguistic trademark. The key concepts in those three sentences are power, the Dark Side and patience. Their placement underlines them.   (Sam Leith, Much to Learn From Yoda, Public Speakers Still Have. Financial Times [UK], June 10, 2015) Hysteron Proteron in Don DeLillos Cosmopolis (2003) So attuned is [Eric] Packer to the future that he repeatedly literalizes the rhetorical trope known as hysteron proteron; that is, as he scans the several digital monitors mounted in his limousine, he experiences an effect before its cause. Among Packers premonitions is observing himself onscreen recoiling in shock from the Nasdaq bombing before the actual blast occurs.   (Joseph M. Conte, Writing Amid the Ruins: 9/11 and Cosmopolis. The Cambridge Companion to Don DeLillo, ed. by John N. Duvall. Cambridge University Press, 2008) Puttenham on Hysteron Proteron (16th century) Ye have another manner of disordered speech, when ye misplace your words or clauses, and set that before which should be behind. We call it in English proverb, the cart before the horse, the Greeks call it Histeron proteron, we name it the Preposterous, and if be not too much used is tolerable enough, and many times scarce perceivable, unless the sense be thereby made very absurd.   (George Puttenham, The Arte of English Poesie, 1589) Hysteron Proteron in Rhetoric and in Logic Hysteron proteron was thus a term from the discourse of rhetoric for a reversion that reversed the order of things themselves, including in both temporal and logical sequence. In this sense, it appeared across a broad range of early-modern writing, as both a blemish and an exploited license of order and style...In the field of formal logic, hysteron proteron simultaneously denoted a preposterous inversion, in this case the logical fallacy of assuming as true and using as a premise a proposition that is yet to be proved, or the proving of a proposition by reference to another one that presupposes it.(Patricia Parker, Hysteron Proteron: Or the Presposterous, in Renaissance Figures of Speech, ed. by Sylvia Adamson, et al., Cambridge University Press, 2007) Pronunciation: HIST-eh-ron PROT-eh-ron

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A monopoly market player Apple

A monopoly market player Apple A monopoly market player is a firm, which is the only one existent in a market. Monopolization is when a firm has a significant control to set the prices in a multiplayer market.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on A monopoly market player: Apple specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In 2005, even with more than one player in its market segment, Apple was able to sell a more expensive product and achieve 63% control of digital music players and 83% control of legal digital music download market. Such an achievement was made through leveraging on its ITunes store and stylish status of iPods. In charging high products, Apple built a premium and exclusives status for its products. Over the long term, this will create a cult like following for its products as long as the firm can keep on developing digital music players with the better technology than that of its competitors. This will require massive investment in idea and technology generation and development. Low sales numbers can easily lead to the company being bankrupt. In conclusion, charging high prices is a risky but highly rewarding option (Manikw, 2008). Diagram 1 represents a monopoly market. A monopolist is a price maker because the company does not face any competitors in such a case. Thus, there is a price inelastic demand where marginal cost meets marginal revenues, which represents the quantity for profit maximisation. The extrapolating the output up to its maximum to meet the average revenue and cost curves, we arrive at the prices P1 and P2. The total cost of production is P1Q1, while the total revenues are P2Q2; the difference is the supernormal profit. Considering diagram 2, prices decrease from P1 to P3, while quantity sold has an increase from Q1 to Q2. This is due to a different demand pattern brought about by different demographic and physiographic population factors, while a different cost pattern brought about by a change of the tax regime affects the cost pattern resulting in a different price maximizing output and different prices.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More First, for price discrimination to take place, it must be performed in different geographical markets. Secondly, market segmentation is based on different demographic and physiographic population factors. Thirdly, inelastic price elasticity of demand ensures the advantage of price discriminators (Manikw, 2008). Monopolies and oligopolies are vital firms in a country especially if they can work competitively to bring new products to the market, while providing job places. Secondly, they accumulate large amounts of capital to the benefit of economy. However, consumer and labor groups have no trust in monopolies and oligopolies achieving this economic function without government oversight. Arguments for intellectual proper ty rights include giving the right of intellectual property to its owner, who can use it for financial gain. The right to own an intellectual property is a result of hard labor and investment in creating it. Thus, development to humanity would not occur from private entities but only from the government. The socialist and economic growth would follow the government’s agenda. Margins for firms would be thin since it is a price market (Dwivedi, 2002). Every industry deserves to obtain its intellectual rights, especially considering the economic significance of motivating capital and expertise investment. In such areas as healthcare, its importance to ensuring human rights observance and proper solutions to human health problems is significant. For such markets, additional control by government authorities is necessary to balance morality and intellectual rights (Perloff, 2009).Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on A monopoly market player: Apple specif ically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Dwivedi, D. (2002). Microeconomics: Theory and Application. India: Pearson education. Manikw, G. (2008). Principles of microeconomics: a guided tour. Connecticut: Cengage Learning. Perloff, J. (2009). Microeconomics. London: Pearson/Addison Wesley.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Evolution of Aesthetic Medicine and its Implications on... | Bartleby

padding-top-2"> Throughout this century, the term natural beauty has taken a wide variety of definitions. Aesthetic treatments are rapidly becoming socially sought after in large urbanized communities, and this craze is rapidly progressing towards a flawless sales tactic for all cosmetic surgeons and media alike—proclaiming that one should invest in themselves. What was once seen as treatment for individuals in dire need is now evolving into a marketable service rendered to those with the means to obtain it. It is clear that demand for aesthetic surgery has skyrocketed in recent years, an increase caused by modern marketing tactics, technological development, as well as the modern idea of individualism and self-expression through artificial body show more content One patient was satisfied with the results, but the other was unsure she wanted to undergo the procedure in the first place. This falls into the human understanding of using stereotypes in order to organize social worlds (Anonymous 2008). Some individuals still have a clouded perception on their motives for undergoing such procedures, and it is not until the damage has been done that feelings of regret occur. Media has created a massive social cult for several years by creating what is seen as the ideal physique, encouraging astray individuals to take extreme measures in order to conform. Another significant factor towards the recent increase of cosmetic surgery procedures is attributed to major technological advancements in recent years. Modern advances in technology have significantly decreased pain level as well as post-operation complications. Cosmetic surgeons are also widely available and offer competitive rates in many urban centers. The repackaging of cosmetic surgery as a business has also allowed for surgeons to advertise, which only adds to a consumer’s temptation. This allows clinics to offer financing and other methods of payment, significantly increasing the accessibility to such services. Advertising campaigns are often aggressive and commission-based, and some firms go as far as offering discounts on multiple procedures. These additional procedures extend the amount of time a patient spends under anesthesia, The Louisiana Purchase: Unconstitutional or Not? Essay | Bartleby padding-top-2"> It seems that since the beginning of history the actions of the government have always been criticized, especially in the sense of public spending. In the case of the Louisiana Purchase many political figures at the time it was created, as well as historians argue whether or not it was in fact a violation of the Constitution or not. This debate is still ongoing, but in order to analyze whether the Louisiana Purchase was unconstitutional or not, one must analyze the sequence of events leading to the acquisition of the territory by the United States. The Louisiana Purchase appeared to be the only solution to the United States anxiety over whether the French would try to control part of the land that many of the colonists were attempting to show more content It seems that since the beginning of history the actions of the government have always been criticized, especially in the sense of public spending. In the case of the Louisiana Purchase many political figures at the time it was created, as well as historians argue whether or not it was in fact a violation of the Constitution or not. This debate is still ongoing, but in order to analyze whether the Louisiana Purchase was unconstitutional or not, one must analyze the sequence of events leading to the acquisition of the territory by the United States. The Louisiana Purchase appeared to be the only solution to the United States anxiety over whether the French would try to control part of the land that many of the colonists were attempting to inhabit. Up through the Seven Years’ War France had claimed and was controlling a large portion of the territory west of the colonies. The French had claimed, by only began to settle in this expanse of land, but Spain soon obtained it through the 1763 Treaty of Paris. The Spanish did not settle this portion of land either. Since the 1780’s many American colonists’ goal was to move westward after the concept spread of Manifest Destiny (in which the colonists believed that it was their God given duty to occupy the land west of the original colonies). President Thomas Jefferson and many other U.S. officials began to become uneasy about the fact that France (who was now under the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte) would try to dominate the land Destiny, Fate and Free Will in Homer's Odyssey -... | Bartleby padding-top-2"> Odysseus’s Fulfills his Destiny in The Odyssey During Odysseus’s journey in The Odyssey, his own guile, the gods’ obstacles and their assistance for him affected his destiny. Odysseus uses his crafty sense of trickery and guile to get out of situations, which allow him to reach his destiny of returning home. Many times in The Odyssey the gods who dislike Odysseus set obstacles to try to stop him from returning home. However, there are gods who favor him and give him assistance to reach his homeland of Ithaca. Odysseus found himself in some dangerous situations during his journey but he was clever enough to think of ways to escape them. For example, when he encountered Polyphemus, Odysseus tricked him when he told show more content Instead of using his guile, Odysseus also has the power to prevent from being beguiled. An example of Odysseus using his power to not be beguiled was when he drank Circe’s potions but nothing happened because of Hermes’ herb. Circe shows her disbelief of Odysseus when she says, "I marvel much that drinking of these drugs you were not charmed. None, no man else, ever withstood these drugs who tasted them, so soon as they had passed the barrier of his teeth; but in your breast there is a mind which cannot be beguiled" (97). Once again Odysseus uses his creative techniques not to be tricked and he turns out safe. By using his guile and other techniques, Odysseus makes it through the gods’ obstacles, which test his destiny. In order for Odysseus to encounter and pursue his destiny, he must be tried and tested by obstacles put forth by gods or their offspring, such as Poseidon, the Sirens, and Polyphemus. One instance of this occurring was when Poseidon sent a storm in an attempt to capsize Odysseus’ boat. Poseidon shows his hate for Odysseus when he says, "I hope to plunge him into sufficient trouble" (50). Poseidon sets forth an obstacle to test Odysseus by making a huge storm in the seas to capsize and break up his boat. Without these obstacles put forth by the gods, Odysseus would have made it home without any trouble. The epithet, "Long-tried The Life of Charlotte Bronte - 798 Words | Bartleby padding-top-2"> Charlotte went through many crises. Her mother died when she was young, and she had to care for her younger siblings. Bronte could not go to school as a young child like everyone else; she had responsibilities. A few years later as she got older sisters died of tuberculosis, and she was left alone. Charlotte Bronte work tells the story of love, life, and death. Charlotte was born at Thorntorn, Yorkshire in 1816. She was the third daughter of Rev. Bronte and Maria Branwell. Charlotte had two sisters and 1 brother. The Bronte children were all great readers, and since they were isolated children they lived through literary fantasies. Living in their fantasy world the children had vivid imaginations, and they invented role-playing games, at times with the wooden toys, and other times in provisional costumes. Shortly after they were born their mother passed away in 1821. Four years after their mother passed Charlotte’s two sisters died of tuberculosis; they caught it in school. Charlotte Bronte had a really difficult life. She really had no one but her father and brother. Bronte and her brother became really close. Charlotte tried really hard to become successful but yet, she always ended up where she started from. Charlotte began working as a governess in different positions, but none lasted very long. Shortly after she and Emily went to Health Care Professionals Criminal Liability - 1529 Words | Bartleby padding-top-2"> Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability of Nurses Christopher Ponciano September 27, 2010 Legal Issues in Health Care: Regulation and Compliance (HCS/430) University of Phoenix Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability of Nurses The health care field is a very complex workplace environment and the terminology like malpractice encompasses the negligence of health care professionals. In the past, there is a division that existed between physicians and nurses. Additionally, nurses had very defined framework, in which nurses are to wait after a patient have been seen by doctors and simply implements the physician’s order. In other words, nurses are not to diagnose, treat symptoms, or prescribe medications. In the show more content After the investigation, if the Board determines that the allegations have merit, then the complaint will proceed to an informal hearing. Eventually, the nurse receives a notification in regard to the allegation and the Board will schedule an informal hearing. The Board of Nursing’s attorney, the member of the board, and the nurse are present in the informal hearing. However, if the nurse has retained an attorney, then the attorney will be present during informal hearing. Additionally, before the informal hearing the defendant’s attorney will have the opportunity to discuss the gathered evidence and collect any evidence used during investigation process. The informal hearing starts with the Board of Nursing’s attorney opening statement and the nurse will have an opportunity to present his or her side. After the informal hearing procedure, the board member and the Board of Nursing’s attorney will discuss in private. Disciplinary action and criminal liability. Immediately after the hearing, recommendations are generally made. For example, recommendations can range from dismissal of the complaint, filing a formal charge, or an agreement to negotiate a consent order (Karno, 2005). Under the consent order, the nurse waives his or her rights to contest on the charged allegations or simply seek a review under administrative order. In addition, under consent order gives the nurse and his or her attorney the leverage to control any Fight Obesity With Diet and Exercise Essay - 899 Words | Bartleby padding-top-2"> As humans we are available to a mass assortment of foods that help us survive. These foods provide our bodies with nutrients to remain healthy and calories for energy. If we take in more calories than we burn off, the food then gets stored in our bodies as fat. If this happens regularly there is potential of becoming obese. Obesity means having excessive amounts of fat on the body. Obesity is the second leading cause, behind tobacco, of preventable deaths in the United States. More than half of Americans are overweight and almost one third are obese. There are abundant reasons people become obese including: emotions, genes, sex, age, and many others. There are also several ways to tell if a person is overweight or obese. Lastly there show more content Other eating disorders such as binge eating or bulimia may be associated with obesity. How can you tell if you are overweight or obese? There are a few ways to tell if you are obese, one being checking your body fat percentage. Many health professionals agree that men with more than 25% fat and women with more than 30% fat are considered obese. It is difficult to measure body fat percentage accurately. The methods used at health clubs and weight loss programs may not be accurate if done improperly, therefore special equipment is needed that is not found in many medical offices. People who gain weight around their waist have a higher risk of obesity-related health problems. Women with a waist size greater than 35 inches and men with a waist size greater than 40 inches are at higher health risk. Lastly, and the most effective way to tell if you are obese is by the body mass index or BMI. The BMI is used to check your weight relative to your height and is calculated by weight in pounds and height in inches. Body mass index is much like the body fat percentage but much easier to calculate. Being so much easier to calculate several care providers use it to identify obesity. To calculate your body mass index you must first multiply your weight by 705. Next, take that answer and divide it by your height in inches. Now take the current number and divide it by you height in inches once again. After the three steps are done you are left with your BMI. If your Essay about Oedipus the King and Oedipus Complex - 612 Words | Bartleby padding-top-2"> Oedipus Rex, is a Sophocles play, that according to Freud exemplifies a formative stage in a individuals psychosexual development. The psychosexual stages are the age related developmental periods in which sexual impulses are exerted through different bodily zones and then activities are associated with those areas in the bodily zones. These is when a young child will transfer his love object from the breast to the mother. When the child gives up the breast and moves to the mother it is known as the oral phase. The child then has the sexual desire for the opposite sex parent and will usually have hostility towards the same sex parent. During this time, the child will have a secret desire to show more content The boy then feels hostility and jealously towards his father, but then will come to realize that his father is much more powerful then he is. Freud says, â€Å" the boy will then experience castration anxiety which is the fear that his father will punish him by castration (Freud, 1993) .† Fixation at a particular stage may result If the developmental conflicts are not successfully resolved. He figured if this feelings were not successfully resolved then they would contribute to neuroses in later life. The only way anyone could resolve the Oedipus Complex and the anxieties from the complex , the boy ultimately will join force with the enemy by resorting to the defense mechanism of identification. Identification is a psychoanalytic theory that involves the ability to reduce the anxiety by imitating the behavior and characteristics of one individual. For instance, he would most likely imitate his fathers values, attitude and mannerisms. Girls ar e another way in which the Oedipus Complex could be resolved because girls usually identify with the same sex parent and then they develop a strong superego against urges. Freud considered this complex is be the cornerstone of superego and the nucleus of all human relationships. Oedipus in a way had this Oedipus Complex because

Friday, October 18, 2019

God's plan for worship from Genesis through Revelation Research Paper

God's plan for worship from Genesis through Revelation - Research Paper Example Man’s sole purpose while living in the garden was to worship God at al times, obey His commands and praise Him for the wonderful work He had done in creating the entire universe. But what actually is worship? Several instances of worship have been mentioned in the bible right from the first book, Genesis, to the last book in the bible, Revelation. God’s greatest commission to humanity from the beginning was to worship Him and honour Him as his creator and sustainer as well as the provider for all that man needed in the world. This reverence was to be shown by simply bowing to God in reverence for the works he had made during man’s life. It has however not been easy for humanity to accomplish this task as he is rocked on either side by the enemy, the devil. Anderson defines worship as inner form of communication with God (Anderson, 1992). Worshiping is the only way through which we pour our hearts to God and tell Him of all lour tribulations in this world â€Å"A rise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your hearts like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to Him for the lives of your children, who faint for hunger at the head of every street† (Lamentation 2:19). God however teaches humanity the way of worship both in the old as well as in the new testaments. In this paper I will discuss the principles of worship both in the Old Testament and the New Testament.... The ways of worship are however not changed as these remains the same throughout the entire bible. God gives strong commands in worshiping Him in the Old Testament. The repercussion for not worshipping God according to the Old Testament requirements are felt immediately, such included stoning one to death upon doing something which is contrary to what God has commanded. ‘If a person sins and does what is forbidden in any of God’s commands, even though he does not know it, he is guilty and will be held responsible. He is to bring to the priest as a guilt offering a lamb from the flock, one without defect and of the proper value. In this way, the priest will make atonement for him for the wrong he has committed unintentionally, and he will be forgiven. It is a guilt offering, He has been guilty of wrong doing against the Lord’ (Leviticus 5: 17- 19). The regulative principle The kind of authoritative worship which the Lord commands in the Old Testament was pegged on the mosaic laws which had strong commands on how the worship of the Lord was to be conducted. Failure to comply with the requirements of God during worship times was punishable by immediate death of the victims. God thou shall not have any other god before me for I m a jealous God, I punish those who sin against me up to their forth generations and blesses the thousands who comes before me to worship me (Anderson , 1999). The regulative principle note throughout the Old Testament required that the people of God do not add to anything to what God had commanded them to do neither were they to remove from God’s commandments what He had stipulated. Such actions were to be punished immediately as has been shown in the previous instances. He says in Deuteronomy chapter 12 vs

UK Taxation System Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

UK Taxation System - Research Paper Example There are certain types of income that do not attract tax. They are benefits, income from tax-exempt accounts and special pensions. Residents of the UK are eligible for tax-free allowance called personal allowance, which is an amount of taxable income which the resident is allowed to earn each year. This allowance is free of tax. For the year 2008-2009, the tax-free amount is fixed at '5,435. If the individual is over the age of sixty-five, this amount is likely to increase. A registered blind person can claim tax-free blind person's allowance. Income tax is applicable on taxable income after the tax-free allowances. Certain deductible reliefs and allowance will reduce the tax bill of an individual. Some of the deductible allowances are married couple allowance, maintenance payment relief, and tax relief on pension, donations to charity based on gift aid or payroll giving. There are some other amounts which can be reduced from the tax bill. They are an allowance that decreases tax in retirement, tax advantages of personal pension and offers to charity (Income Tax, n.d). The revenue-raising methods of the UK government have come to debate with the abolition of 10 percent tax. The 10 percent tax was abolished to simplify the tax system. This is likely to affect the poor household which enjoyed limitations in paying tax. The reduction of the tax rate from 22 to 20 percent and the abolition of 10 percent tax are set to affect people whose annual income is less than '18,500. This initiative has raised argument because five million people who fall under the low earning group is targeted to raise more tax revenues. Simplification of tax is appreciable but the abolition of 10 percent requires identification of people who fall under the category and necessary benefits should be provided to help them. While families without children would be the worst effect, low-income families with children are expected to be in a better position. The tax reform will affect the already high cost of living of poor people (Abolition of 10 p tax, 2008).

Paper Entrepreneurialism and Enrons Collapse Essay

Paper Entrepreneurialism and Enrons Collapse - Essay Example A critical analysis of each has been conducted in this assignment to explain how cases like Enron exist and how lay people do not seem to realize the issues in such companies before hand. Reich argues in his article, Paper Entrepreneurialism that accountants and financial experts are particularly trained to manipulate books and numbers. As a result, they have a number of innovative schemes through which an organization can stand to gain through various means. Such paper entrepreneurs manage finances through the usage of paperwork, like establishing holding companies and joint ventures, conducting spinoffs or divestitures, developing mutual funds or conducting exercises that hide realities of the organization under the paperwork and the numbers. Reich suggests that there are other types of entrepreneurs as well which he terms as product entrepreneurs. He believes that these entrepreneurs are developers of products and services that people may want or need. They are innovators of products, and sell such to the consumers. He states that economy has a need for both of them but because paper entrepreneurialism is on the rise, it is expected that organizations will manage to cook up financial gains when competition has become increasingly strong, particularly due to globalization. (Reich) Salter states that Enron is a classic example of deceit and corruption where most of the stakeholders focused on personal gains rather than the organizational gains because of which the shareholders suffered. The problems were deep rooted in ethical and administrative failures, along with lack of corporate governance. As a result, when financial incentives are part of the executives and the board, ethical discipline will definitely be lacking within an organization which was the case in Enron. In such a scenario, Salter explains that corporate governance failure was the key reason why Enron failed and this is the primary way an organization can avoid such a scenario.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The rise of freeters and their relationship to the Japanese workforce Essay

The rise of freeters and their relationship to the Japanese workforce and economy - Essay Example The culture of becoming a freeter reached its apex during the economic recession that the country underwent in the 1990s. Japanese companies have always valued their senior workers and prefer them over young graduates. During the mid 1990s, recession was at its peak and as a result, the companies started to become more selective in their recruitment procedures. In the past graduates were trained and promised good employment prospects but after recession, only a few lucky ones ended up with a job while the rest had to face unemployment. The consequence of this was that even though the youth wanted to pursue long-term jobs, they did not get adequate opportunities and a large number of freeters were created. The government also relaxed the company laws allowing large companies to hire part-time employees. This created a huge gap between permanent employees, who enjoyed high pays, promotions and job security and the freeters who worked at relatively low pay scales (Nathan). Freeters have become a growing concern for the companies and the government.

Leroy Nikky Barnes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leroy Nikky Barnes - Research Paper Example this life imprisonment was changed to 35 years of sentence when Barnes became a valuable government informant and began to expose myriad secrets of other drug lords and crime bosses. This research paper seeks to explore the character, status, and life journey of Nicky Barnes. Barnes had extremely conniving and astute skills which he used to spread crime in the country. It was in the prodigious world of crime that he found his shine and glory. Crime was where his mind worked the best and developed ingenious strategies to advance his interests. Research suggests that only a few other drug dealers were bigger than Barnes â€Å"during the Harlem heroin plague of the seventies† (Jacobson, 2014). He is 80 years old now and lives a quiet sober life, but he made a lot of headlines in myriad newspapers around the globe in his youth and adult life. He was the ringleader of the very notorious criminal organization named â€Å"The Council.† He himself laid foundation of this organization which under his guidance grew to become a highly powerful network. The centre of main function was Harlem, a large neighbourhood in New York City, where the heroin trade was controlled. An important thing worth mentioning here is that the name Barnes is not all about c rime because he is so much more than just that. Obviously, crime describes him and the first thing that comes up in anyone’s mind upon hearing the name Leroy Barnes is image of a powerful drug lord. But, research suggests that Barnes has long stopped worrying over drug mafia and heroin trade, rather â€Å"he is a doting family man, concerned only with his daughters and grandchildren† (Capeci, 1999). Also, not many people know that Barnes used to be a very smart student when he was young until forced to elope from home to avoid living with an abusive and alcoholic father. He remained involved in drug-dealing for a long time to support himself. It was only when he was sentenced to jail for drug-dealing that he gave up his

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Paper Entrepreneurialism and Enrons Collapse Essay

Paper Entrepreneurialism and Enrons Collapse - Essay Example A critical analysis of each has been conducted in this assignment to explain how cases like Enron exist and how lay people do not seem to realize the issues in such companies before hand. Reich argues in his article, Paper Entrepreneurialism that accountants and financial experts are particularly trained to manipulate books and numbers. As a result, they have a number of innovative schemes through which an organization can stand to gain through various means. Such paper entrepreneurs manage finances through the usage of paperwork, like establishing holding companies and joint ventures, conducting spinoffs or divestitures, developing mutual funds or conducting exercises that hide realities of the organization under the paperwork and the numbers. Reich suggests that there are other types of entrepreneurs as well which he terms as product entrepreneurs. He believes that these entrepreneurs are developers of products and services that people may want or need. They are innovators of products, and sell such to the consumers. He states that economy has a need for both of them but because paper entrepreneurialism is on the rise, it is expected that organizations will manage to cook up financial gains when competition has become increasingly strong, particularly due to globalization. (Reich) Salter states that Enron is a classic example of deceit and corruption where most of the stakeholders focused on personal gains rather than the organizational gains because of which the shareholders suffered. The problems were deep rooted in ethical and administrative failures, along with lack of corporate governance. As a result, when financial incentives are part of the executives and the board, ethical discipline will definitely be lacking within an organization which was the case in Enron. In such a scenario, Salter explains that corporate governance failure was the key reason why Enron failed and this is the primary way an organization can avoid such a scenario.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Leroy Nikky Barnes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leroy Nikky Barnes - Research Paper Example this life imprisonment was changed to 35 years of sentence when Barnes became a valuable government informant and began to expose myriad secrets of other drug lords and crime bosses. This research paper seeks to explore the character, status, and life journey of Nicky Barnes. Barnes had extremely conniving and astute skills which he used to spread crime in the country. It was in the prodigious world of crime that he found his shine and glory. Crime was where his mind worked the best and developed ingenious strategies to advance his interests. Research suggests that only a few other drug dealers were bigger than Barnes â€Å"during the Harlem heroin plague of the seventies† (Jacobson, 2014). He is 80 years old now and lives a quiet sober life, but he made a lot of headlines in myriad newspapers around the globe in his youth and adult life. He was the ringleader of the very notorious criminal organization named â€Å"The Council.† He himself laid foundation of this organization which under his guidance grew to become a highly powerful network. The centre of main function was Harlem, a large neighbourhood in New York City, where the heroin trade was controlled. An important thing worth mentioning here is that the name Barnes is not all about c rime because he is so much more than just that. Obviously, crime describes him and the first thing that comes up in anyone’s mind upon hearing the name Leroy Barnes is image of a powerful drug lord. But, research suggests that Barnes has long stopped worrying over drug mafia and heroin trade, rather â€Å"he is a doting family man, concerned only with his daughters and grandchildren† (Capeci, 1999). Also, not many people know that Barnes used to be a very smart student when he was young until forced to elope from home to avoid living with an abusive and alcoholic father. He remained involved in drug-dealing for a long time to support himself. It was only when he was sentenced to jail for drug-dealing that he gave up his

Religious Health Care Essay Example for Free

Religious Health Care Essay The engagement of spiritual dimension within the healthcare system has shaped the way through which patients recover and show more positive results within the health organizations. Over the past years, the goal of religion in medicine and spirituality encompass diverse medical practices like pastoral counseling, use of prayer and meditation in healing, evoking compassion and forgiveness and also health professional who work with them. Therefore, it is seen that Religious Health Care gives much emphasis on importance of bringing spirituality into the healing process. This paper identifies and discusses matters from the reaction that must be put into further consideration by the consultant team and the discussion made by governing board and the CEO. 2.0 Description of important element of the governing board’s agenda for areas of improvement in core functions Nurses, as the core professionals in Religious Health Care should have the following job skills and carry out the following duties as it was discussed by the board’s governing agenda (Optimizing Performance and Quality, 2012). The assumptions made was that: i. The resident/patient population complex in nature, frail and experiences many dysfunctions and illness. ii. It is imperative when it comes to identification of essential mix of management/administrative skills, decision making skills, ethical principles and fiscal management knowledge that nurses must have in order to manage and administer long-term care facility. The following five agenda’s was discussed about the tasks and the responsibilities of Nursing Home Administrators who will be ensuring that nurses work effectively at Religious Healthcare (Quality of care, 2006): (a) Quality of Life and Resident Care Ensure that all the nursing services are thoroughly evaluated, planned and  implemented so that it could maximize both quality of care and resident quality of life. Ensure that programs related to social services are thoroughly evaluated, planned and subsequently implemented so as to meet social and psychological preferences and the needs of residents with the aim of maximizing quality of care and quality of life. Macke sure that programs related to food services is thoroughly evaluated, planned and implemented to meet nutritional needs of the patients within health organization for the sake of maximizing both quality of care and quality of life. Ensure that programs related to therapeutic activities are thoroughly evaluated, planed and implemented so as to meet the interests of the patients so as to maximize the quality of care amid the quality of life. The nurse in leadership will be responsible for ensuring that information management programs is evaluated, planned and implemented so as to arrive at documentation requirements. Make sure that Residential Rights are integrated with every aspect of resident care. Always ensure that the facilities within the health organization comply with local, state, as well as federal regulations and stipulated standards. Monitor, identify and ensure that the quality indicators are utilized with the aim of maximizing effectiveness in services delivery to patients. Ensure review, development and implementation of the resident procedures and policies. Make sure that the health facilities within the organization are in par with local state and federal regulations and standards (Long Term Care, 2010). (b) Human Resources Nursing Home Administrators within Religious healthcare shall facilitate the process of communication between the staff and management through counseling and coaching. Shall be ensuring that all the programs pertaining human resources are evaluated, planned and implemented to meet cultural diversity of the patients. Responsible in monitoring of programs, development and implementation of programs with the sole aim of benefitting the staff. Carry out investigations to make sure that human resource management programs and policies are planned and implemented in accordance with the federal laws regulations and entities. Developing and implementing of employee safety and health programs so as to provide good working environment Developing, monitoring and implementing, recruitment, evaluation, development, provision of resident services to the nurses within the health organization so as to  ensure job satisfaction. (c) Finance Utilizes f fiscal resources through effective management and development of annual operation and development of capital budgets. Extensive implementation and development of financial system, procedures and policies to monitor and evaluate financial performance for instance resident trust and account payable. Implement, interpret and with financial aspects of any contractual agreement such as consultative services, vendor, managed care and organized labor. Management of reporting systems and financial audit such as information systems, charitability and cooperate compliance. Ensure that all the facilities records are highly protected for instance risk management and insurance coverage. Facilitate the education and training of staff in areas related to the financial management. (d) Atmosphere and Physical Environment Shall be ensuring hat systems for improving and maintaining buildings, equipment and grounds are evaluated, planed and implemented accordingly. Provision of attractive and clean facilities and conducive environment for patients and the staff. Monitoring the environment to ensure that safety programs are implemented for safety, welfare and health for visitors’ staff and patients who attend health organization. Residents right integration with much emphasis on facility environment. Ensuring that the policies, implementation and developments comply with the environmental procedures and policies. Making sure that the facilities within the health organization complies with the local, state, as well as federal regulations and standards such as the Life Safety Code, CMS, OSHA and ADA. Implementation and development of comprehensive preventative maintenance programs. (e) Management and Leadership Ensuring that all the policies and procedures are developed in compliance with the governing entities and directives. Ensuring that all the policies and procedures are in compliance with the local, state, as well as federal rules and regulations. Evaluate, monitor and observe the impacts of the entire facility’s programs, procedures and policies so as to fulfill administrative responsibility such as license and professional  responsibility. Carry out administrative review of survey impacts so as to come up with appropriate impacts such as Informal Dispute Resolution documentation, plan for correction and no response. Carry out education of nursing home board in respect to their responsibilities and roles and pay attention to their daily actions to ensure that they adhere to the regulations and by-laws. Carry out the administrative oversight of the entire survey process. Be a team leader in professional development activities. Provide leadership skills for key staff and management team. Manage the resources and ensure that they are adequate so as to promote quality of life and comprehensive marketing. 3.0 Performance dimension that Religious Health Care could use to improve overall institutional performance The major goal of improving individual or institutional performance in the healthcare organization is to provide sustainable and quality services for the clients. Health system in this regard is a large umbrella, which covers people, organizations and the measures, which is strived for maintaining, restoring, or promoting health. Therefore, improving of the performance of such general elements of the health system will ultimately contribute to positive health outcomes. Performance dimension is the process within the health organization through which the performance of system, organizations and workers are set up with the aim of improving quality and performance or success and strength of the healthcare system. It is the continuous and systematic process through which the outside stakeholders judge the performance of a given health institution. The stakeholders (external environment, health workers, organization, community and clients) identify strengths and gaps so as to identify root causes using tools for exploration of factors, which in essence determine performance. There are various strategies through which the Religious Healthcare could do to improve the overall institutional performance (Everybody’s business, 2007): Consider context- clients, health workers, organization, and community and external environment The management team of Religious Healthcare must understand that the community and external environment plays a vital role towards the success of the organization. This includes the perspective of health workers or employees, the community, the clients and the organizational structure  served by the organization. As the managers get familiar with such external and community factor, the desired performance will be contributed. Research shows that there are many variables, which determine the ability of health organization individual employees and teams to perform within an organization. While some of the factors are beyond control, the positive steps by the healthcare groups or organizations however can improve most of them. Some of the factors include the following: Social norms such as the ethnicity, religion, class culture and gender Accreditation or Licensing processes or requirement. Local and national infrastructure such as sanitation, water, telecom, energy and transportation. Unpredicted change in political in local and national government. National standards, regulation, policies and the scope of work. Identification of strengths and gaps This involves the process through which the Religious Healthcare can possibly improve the performance by defining the desired performance, assessment of quality and performance and comparison of the various levels with the intention of establishing the strengths and weaknesses. Successful organization usually uses international or national standards and guidelines for setting up the desired standards. Such cooperative work for definition of performance is necessary especially when it comes to building consensus amongst stakeholders and the achievement of the desired goals. It also acts as an initial stage of the evaluation plan that determines lies out to be rated before and after interventions (Everybody’s business, 2007). Identifying performance of the health care organization will adequately become simpler when compared using different levels of performance. Evaluation and monitoring of the progress The Religious Healthcare can steadily monitor the progress of the performance through evaluation and monitoring so as to spot any changes in the performance gap. It is however necessary to spot changes at each and every step of the process so that any adjustment can be made in the course of the progress. For example, if a certain employee does not perform, as she/he is required, appropriate measures can be taken to rectify the situation. To  achieve such, the management should develop an evaluation plan which will then be integrated into the workplace process to act as a continuous feedback tool used to measure changes and quality within the Religious Health Education. Final judgment should measure against the level performance amongst the workers and specifically determine the gaps in gender equality have been strengthen and closed due to intervention. It should also delineate the broader outcomes like increased productivity or improved health outcomes (Competing Values of Emergen cy Department Performance, 2004). 4.0 Performance Measures Religious Healthcare could use to Evaluate Nursing Staff Performance in its Emergency Room The effectiveness of emergency department to responds to critical needs of the patients is very important. To respond to the current dynamic environmental changes in the healthcare system, emergency departments should be very flexible and ready to adapt flexible changing models of health care delivery. Cross-sectional survey methods can be used to analyze and describe the performance of the nurses in the Religious Healthcare. Two groups (of stakeholders) will be necessary during the evaluation: community stakeholders (paramedics and homecare) and hospital stakeholders (managers, nurses and physicians). Estimates of the design effect and sample size will be used in determining the realistic number of the prospective sampling units. Descriptive statistics will then be used to analyze characteristics and to make the comparisons of the outcomes in each section. 5.0 Strategies Religious Health Care could implement to enhance its public image and increase market share To increase its performance and win the market share, there are number of steps, which the Religious Healthcare could use. Foremost is the strategic planning. Strategic planning provides the basis of good foundation to the entire health program. Effective planning will ultimately help the Religious Health organization to improve performance. (Making Health Communication Programs Work, 2010): Become aware of the critical health issues, which need to be addressed. Set priorities which will be the foundation of the progress of the organization Derive communication programs which is crucial for the smooth running of the organization Establish the role, which the communication plays in the health communication. 6.0 Critical management  issues, purpose, functions, and performance measures of different departments within healthcare organizations The recent changes in the nature of the healthcare organizations like meeting strict guidelines, improving the quality of care and pressures to reduce cost has forced many health organizations to reconsider how they evaluate their performance. The most effective systems in the organization align organizational resources and units as well as integrate the initiatives. Therefore, three areas that needed to be addressed in the organization’s needs (Casta,1999): To guide a given health organization to a particular direction To effectively manage all the resources needed to travel in such direction To operate all the processes which make the particular health organization work. References Casta, K. (1999). Performance Measurement in Healthcare. Retrieved on November 29, 2013, from Competing Values of Emergency Department Performance: Balancing Multiple StakeholderPerspectives. (2004). Retrieved on November 29, 2013, from Everybody’s business: strengthening health systems to improve health outcomes: WHO’sframework for action. (2007). Retrieved on November 29, 2013, from White, K. R., Griffith, J. R. (n.d.). The Well-Managed Healthcare Organization Seventh Edition. Chicago, Illinois: Health Administration Press. Etheridge, L. (n.d.). Long Term Care. (2010). Retrieved on November 29, 2013, Making Health Communication Programs Work. (2010) Retrieved on November 29, 2013, from Martin, J. (2001). Team Performance in the emergency room: assessment of inter-disciplinaryattitudes. Retrieved on November 29, 2013 from Optimizing Performance and Quality. (2012). Retrieved on November 29, 2013, files/ media/ optimizing-performance-and-quality/OPQ_FINAL.pdf Quality of care: a process for making strategic choices in health systems. (2006). Retrieved onNovember 29, 2013 from

Monday, October 14, 2019

New Zealand Rail System SWOT

New Zealand Rail System SWOT Summary This task is based on entrepreneurship and innovation. In this task im getting to explain key functions internal setting, system structure and organization culture, external environment, pestle, government policy, common law, opportunities and SWOT by using the example of the given company thats kiwi train. Introduction The New Zealand rail system grew from separate beginnings made by individual provinces or entrepreneurs from the 1860s onwards. Colonial Treasurer and later Premier Sir Julius Vogel made rail a major plank in his programme to develop the colony in 1870. By 1880 New Zealand Railways (NZR) was operating more than 1,900 kilometres of track, and carrying almost 3 million passengers and 830,000 tonnes of freight a year. The first half of the twentieth century was a golden age for rail. In 2003, Toll Holdings Limited, an Australian-based transportation and logistics operator, acquired approximately 85 percent of the shares in Trans Rail. As a result of Tolls offer for shares in Trans Rail becoming unconditional, an agreement between Toll and the Crown was triggered, a key feature of which was the buy-back of track and associated infrastructure by the Crown. The Crown undertook to invest $200 million in improving rail infrastructure while Toll undertook to invest $100 million in new rolling stock. In September 2004, ownership and management of the network and its assets was vested in the existing Railway Corporation of New Zealand which adopted the trading name, Kiwi Rail Network (ONTRACK). Under the agreement, Toll retained exclusive rights to the network for freight purposes, subject to meeting minimum tonnage levels annually. Key terms: Creativity is the capacity to grow new thoughts and to discover new techniques for taking a gander at issues and openings. For Example:- they create different trains that have very high speed Innovation is the capacity to apply imaginative answers for those issues and openings keeping in mind the end goal to improve individuals lives or to advance society (tvnz, 2016). For Example:-Â   kivi train provide the gift cards Entrepreneurship is the consequence of a restrained, efficient procedure of applying inventiveness and development to requirements and openings in the commercial centre. Entrepreneurs are the individuals who wed their innovative thoughts with the deliberate activity and structure of a business. Specialists trust that business visionaries prevail by deduction and doing new things or old things in new ways. Internal environment: these are the minor factor into the companythat organizations internal environment is composed of the elements within the decisions about circumstances that occur frequently within their organization along with internal environment is composed of the elements within the organization, including current employees, management, and especially corporate culture, which defines employee behaviour (Cj0KEQiA8orFBRCEpODivaOft, 2016). Although some elements affect the organization as a whole, others affect only the manager. Strength Favourable circumstances of your association show improvement over any other individual Novel or most reduced cost assets would you be able to draw upon that others Individuals in your market see as your qualities get the deal Weakness Able to move forward It be advisable for you to maintain a strategic distance Individuals in your market prone to see as shortcomings Elements lose you deals Opportunities Changes in technology and markets on both a broad and narrow scale. Changes in government policy related to your field. Changes in social patterns, population profiles, lifestyle changes, and so on. Local events. Threats would you be able to move would it be advisable for you to maintain a strategic distance Individuals in your market prone to see as shortcomings Elements lose you deals External environment External environment refers to the major factors and forces outside the organization that have the potential to significantly affect the performance of an organization with help of pestle (transport, 2016). Political: Political factors identifies with the weights and openings brought by political establishments and to what degree the administration strategies affect the business. Government arrangements Trading arrangements Funding, awards and activities Lobbying and weight bunches Internal political issues Legal: legislation factors identifies with the laws, control and enactment that will influence the way the business works. Current enactment Future enactment International enactment Regulatory bodies and procedures Employment law Structure: the staff of kiwi train is working according to the rules and regulations. They follow all the structure because they working under legalisation. Conclusion: The New Zealand rail system grew from separate beginnings made by individual provinces or entrepreneurs from the 1860s onwards. Colonial Treasurer and later Premier Sir Julius Vogel made rail a major plank in his programme to develop the colony in 1870. New Zealand which adopted the trading name, Kiwi Rail Network (ONTRACK). Under the agreement, Toll retained exclusive rights to the network for freight purposes, subject to meeting minimum tonnage levels annually. Reference: Cj0KEQiA8orFBRCEpODivaOft. (2016, 2). Retrieved from transport. (2016, 2). Retrieved from tvnz. (2016, 2). Retrieved from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Overview over Religion :: essays research papers

Overview of Religion In this tutorial, you will learn about the religious experience in general and some of its variations around the world. The focus will be on the types of religious beliefs and religious leaders, especially in small-scale societies. An exploration of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or any other major religion is beyond the scope of this tutorial. The approach taken is that of cultural relativity--religious practices or beliefs are not evaluated in terms of their "correctness" or "sophistication" but, rather, in terms of their function within the societies that maintain them. What is Religion? A religion is a system of beliefs usually involving the worship of supernatural forces or beings. Religious beliefs provide shape and meaning to one's perception of the universe. In other words, they provide a sense of order in what might otherwise be seen as a chaotic existence. Religions also provide understanding and meaning for inexplicable events such as a loved one being killed in an earthquake or some other unpredictable force of nature. For most religious people, their beliefs about the supernatural are at the very core of their world views. Importance of Rituals Symbolic objects used in Christian rituals The performance of rituals is an integral part of all religions. Rituals are stylized and usually repetitive acts that take place at a set time and location. They almost always involve the use of symbolic objects, words, and actions. For example, going to church on Sunday is a common religious ritual for Christians around the world. It usually requires the wearing of somewhat different clothing and interacting with others in a particular manner in a sacred location. At the heart of this experience is a sequence of traditional ritual acts that symbolically represent aspects of the life, teachings, and death of Jesus. Maya Temple in Guatemala built on a high pyramid base to make it a sacred location Most religious rituals are performed in special places and under special conditions, such as in a dedicated temple or at a sacred spot. This is an intentional separation between the secular and the sacred. By being removed from the ordinary world, the sacred acts are enhanced for the believers--the separation makes the rituals more effective. Only allowing initiated people to participate in religious rituals also can have the same effect. Religious ritual reinforces the basic tenets of religion. For instance, the "partaking of the host" in the Catholic mass is a symbolic participation in the "last supper" of Jesus and, by extension, an affirmation of the acceptance of his teachings.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ethical Norms of Medical Research Essay -- Pharmaceutical Industry, Br

Branding, according to Parry, is to create a new thinking of the product to customers in the unique way so that the product can compete to others. And, in the pharmaceutical industry, branding is not only creating the new thinking of product, but also defining the best treatment for particular condition. If done so, the condition branding has numerous benefits because it creates consensus internally and externally. Internal consensus which is the activities focus on the problem and solution between brand managers and clinic so that the product can be maximized investment. Beside that, external consensus creates the better relationship between the owner and the clinical community to approach therapeutics (1). However, Fishman argued that branding leads to good sales and profits because the clinical trial researchers are position themselves as mediator between producers, pharmaceutical companies, and consumer, that are clinicians and patients, and they act like experts in that field. Therefore, the researchers create faithfulness to consumer, and in turn branding increase sales (12). As a mediator, researchers involve in the benefit of branding. Somehow, there is a conflict in their role between their benefit and the ethical norm of medical research. Fishman may be right when she implied that the ethical norm of medical research is driven by marketable drugs and marketable diagnoses. Let take a look in the process of how the drugs develop and bring to the market. First of all, the drug which is developed should meet the condition that can treat for disease with certain amount of patients, and then academic medical researchers are person who collect the clinical data, will mediate with FDA to get approval guideline for new drugs; ... ...cluded that With the increasing public†private arrangements being brokered between industry and academia, these ethical issues only become more entangled. Conventional medical ethics is unequipped to deal with these questions. Business ethics is likewise unable to accommodate the particular responsibilities of the biomedical project. The chasm left in between is where the academic researcher now treads, guided only by professional conventions and a growing entrepreneurialism and commercialism in medicine.(24). It may be strict if we say that the drugs market now needs to be control seriously and let the scientist be independent with their research because when drugs consider as other commodity, then patient become as customer not a patient. The patients need to be treated with medical ethical norm so that they can feel they are in treatment with good condition.